Saturday, November 05, 2011

A Couple of Paintings

Been doing some painting.

Doesn't it seem like there are so many voices from without when you're trying to go within?
View out my window. Can you see the face?

My interpretation.

Have a great weekend! I sure am!


  1. Hi Lisa.
    I like your interpretation of the view out your window A LOT! It is a beautiful weekend, isn't it? I'm in nursing a cold. ): I would much rather be outside working in the yard.
    ♥ audrey

  2. Oh Audrey! Thanks. I hope you feel better soon!

  3. oh I do like the colours and the muted look of your interpretation... those colours are lovely! love that pinky hue.

  4. Love your colors and style ~ Love the face in the yard ~ very creative! ~thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy AEDM ^_^

  5. You have a lovely expressive talent. I wish that was the view ouside of my window..mine's the neighbors

  6. Anonymous2:20 AM

    The blog url has changed to a .NET! Please change my links to

  7. Thank you so much for your much appreciated comments!

    Winterwood, there really is often a pinky hue over Roanoke. I started off with that background and then the rest just happened. :)

    ArtMuseDog and Carol, thank you! So nice to see you.

    Delphi, thank you. Sorry about your view. hehe I've had views like that too. Very grateful for this one.

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