Thursday, September 24, 2009

We're Back from WV

Monday morning we got a call from Mom saying that they finally called and the procedure to put her heart back in rhythm was a go. So we rushed around getting packed and finishing up what we could of SV work and left by 1pm-ish.

The IV drip that was supposed to "fix" Mom didn't work so they had to shock her heart. Fortunately, the shock worked, and Mom's heart is working perfectly now. There was a mix-up with her earlier test results and apparently her heart was in much better shape than they had thought originally. If you have to have a mix-up, that's a good one.

We thought that we'd be back by Tuesday but there were delays and we just got back today (Thursday). We've been playing catch-up with our business and I had some other obligations that were totally forgotten in the rush to get to WV. I think we're all caught up now. Whew.

I missed blogs. I missed facebook. I missed email. Mom has no internet and the cell phone gets nooooo service there so we felt quite out of touch.

It felt so good to get home, as nice as it was to visit with family.

On top of getting home, Patrick went and picked up our new computer so I am in bliss with my lightning fast internet service again!! Hallelujah!

Oh, I have a question. When our computer was out, I looked at my blog on my son's new laptop. My blog looked blue on it. On our computer, it has more of a yellow/green thing going on, which is what I wanted. What does it look like to you?

Here are some of the pics I was finally able to upload.

Michael on September 1st, his 17th birthday.

Harvesting of our basil and sage. It's pretty much dried out now and ready to be put in jars to enjoy throughout the winter months.

I missed my bloggy friends while we were away. It was good to be home and to be with family but it's also so good to be back with my blog family. :)


Sarah {The Student Knitter} said...

Glad to hear everything went well for your mom. :)

How is this weekend looking for you for knitting?

Renee said...

What a handsome boy and I am happy to hear that your mom is alright.

Love Renee xoxo

Patty said...

Thanks for the visit to my blog. I have enjoy visiting with you, and have added you to my bloglines for reading so I can keep up with you now. I am glad your mom is doing good, I need to read some more back post, but I am guessing she had heart problems, I know that is scary. My mom had a heart attack a few years ago and had to have a stint put in,
Anyway I will be back soon for more reading..Oh and your blog has a light blueish color on the edges to me. with brown and then a white center. It is easy to read and looks very nice.
Also I love the spirit doll in your prevous post!

Tinker said...

I'm glad your mom's ok!
There's a hint of blue in the flowers on the sidebars but I see green in the foliage on a yellow-ish background, then a strip of light gray, then the olive green stripe - not sure if I'm explaining that very well...but it looks pretty!

Carolina Gonzalez said...

Glad to read you mom's ok! My best wishes for her recovery :).

Lisa said...

Thanks everyone! mmmmuaahhhh. xoxox