Monday, December 01, 2008

A Sale and an Announcement or Two.

I am now on the Artella Staff! I'm so excited!

I'm also an affiliate and you can be an affiliate, too. There is a link on my sidebar that will give you all the info you need.

The other announcement I want to make is that I have decided to close my Etsy shop. I have had some things in the Artella shoppes for quite a while now and I really like the way they do business.

I also love the spirit of Artella and I think it is, overall, a better fit for what I do.

So, I will be in the process of moving things from Etsy to Artella as the week goes along.

I am so happy to be a part of Artella. It's been a dream of mine to work there for a couple of years now and I finally submitted an application. I was thrilled when Marney contacted me to say that she thought I was a good fit there.

Artella is a great blend of art and spirit. Lots of healing stuff going on over there; and just pure joy and playfulness.

Go check them out!


KaiBlue said...

aloha Lisa,
hugs and congraddies!!! what a super organisation to belong to..
you go girl!
peace, Kai xx

Kate Robertson said...


Isn't that interesting that you were questioning your direction and a couple days later here you are working for Artella, I love how the Universe works...


Anonymous said...

Wow, see how fast the Universe works :-). I will have to go check them out!

Kathie said...

WOW - Woman of Wisdom!

I feel so happy for you following your heart and dream ... I have not heard of Artella before so I will definitely take a long look!

Congratulations xxxx

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Wow!! Good for you....closing one door and stepping through another, how exciting!! I wish you all good things!
Smiles, Karen, off to see what Artella is.....

Lisa said...

Thanks everyone! I've known about the possibility of being on staff for a while but I didn't want to announce it until it was official. Right now I'm working pretty much for free stuff but those jobs often lead to paying jobs with them. In the meantime, free art stuff. Yay!

Oh Kathleen and Karen, you are in for a treat!

Lisa said...

Oh, and Annie, too! It's funny how I thought because I knew Artella everyone else did. lol

Gina said...

Good for you! Following your dream is ...oops, LEADING your dream will get you everywhere!

Liz Harrell said...

This is cool, I'm off to check them out!

Nadya said...

How delightfully the universe works, no?? Congrads on your new adventure - & I'll have to check it out, too!

Lisa said...

Gina, I LOVE the idea of leading my dreams. Thanks for that! It's good to see you!

Liz Yay! You'll love it.

Dia Yes, yes, yes! The Universe is amazing.