Thursday, November 13, 2008

A little art

I made this collage last week but I don't think I've ever shown it here. I'm going to put it in my shop eventually. I think I need better pictures, though.

The conversation from the last post is continuing in the comments if anyone is interested. My beautiful friend, Annie, asked a really interesting question. I'd love to hear other answers.

Have a great day everyone. It's cold and rainy here today but I. am. going. to. the. gym. anyway! Yes I am. Hold me accountable. :)

Also, I haven't had a cigarette since Monday! Yay me! (Neither has Patrick) Yay Patrick! The Law of Attraction at work. I finally was able to break through and see myself as a nonsmoker, smelling good and looking radiant, able to breathe without wheezing. :) yay!



Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

I really like the collage. When I was a child/teenager I enjoyed cutting and pasting things...I need to start doing it again as an adult. Thanks for sharing.

Congrats on being smoke-free!

Knit Witch said...

OMG!! Congrats! You aren't going to believe how much better you feel being smoke free!

Flassie's Fil'a said...

Beautiful Lisa! So glad you both quit smoking. I stop breathing when someone is smoking. Even the smell on peoples clothing makes my lungs fill like they are calapsing. I've always had been sick or had a headache growing up with both parents that smoked. My Dad ended up with Alzhemiers and Lung Cancer.

God Bless You and Yours and Your Smoke Free Life!!!

Anonymous said...

Lisa said...

Kim Thanks! Yeah, cutting and pasting is too much fun!

Knit Witch Thanks
so much. I feel better already. My workout didn't seem too long at all today. :) And when I lay down, there's no brick on my chest. (and my hair smells good) LOL

Flassie Thanks! I've known other people who grew up with two smoking parents and they feel the same way.

Anonymous (E?) Thank you. That was beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Yep. :- )

Flassie's Fil'a said...

I forgot to say I wonder if you put your art on a black felt backgound it would show up better.

If it was black you'd have to use another color of course.

God Bless You and Yours!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the collage :-) and I am so happy you have quit with the smoking, may your effort be blessed.

Anonymous said...

Love the collage too! As an ex smoker of 30 or so years I am so glad I gave up back then even though it was the hardest thing I've ever done! go you!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the collage too! As an ex smoker of 30 or so years I am so glad I gave up back then even though it was the hardest thing I've ever done! go you!!!

Lisa said...

E, well it's very nice to see you. :)

Flassie, as usual, that is another great idea!

Thanks Annie. I feel so much better already. It's just such a relief to not worry about it anymore!

Krissie, THank you! The hardest part was making a firm decision without leaving myself room to go back, but that was the only way...cold turkey for me.