I actually put blogging on the list so I would add some art today and so I would do a SoulCollage reading and put it on soulspeak.
I've also been trying to catch up on reading blogs and commenting. I learn so much from all of you!
Ok. So, here's some art. (that may
I made the doll a couple of weeks ago. I had one I had started and didn't like and it had just been lying around. So I painted and collaged it and gave it a face. Now I love it, though it is quite small. It's hanging in our living room. I c
I've been so inspired by the Art videos on YouTube, particularly on Art Journaling, so I've spent a couple of days just doing fun art for myself, purely for the pleasure of doing it. These two are collages on cardboard. I thought Violette's video
The last pic is another page in my art journal. The journal pages are relatively small, so it's a nice project to do in the evenings with leftover paint and stuff.
Gesso is my friend.
Sometimes it's just fun to play with paints and glue and papers with no direction. I think it's really good for us to realize that we can trust our own creativity. Sometimes my favorite pieces come about because I messed up and was forced to go in a different direction. I feel more free to do that when I'm just playing but then I learn to trust it even when I'm doing something I plan to sell.
It's a good life lesson, too. We need to learn to trust our intuition.
Be sure to visit YouTube.
and a host of other wonderful artists have great tips, encouragement and fun. Watching them always gets me in the mood to create something!
Much love to all of you, my friends.
I've been trying to get into some journal pages- art just for me kind of thing. It really is relaxing and often leads to inspirational juice refilled! I love the doll, Wish it was clearer as it looks like theres some cool colors there. And I love the videos! how cool. I never thought of u-tube videos for inspiration. Gee now I'll never get off teh computer! lol Happy Wednesday! thanks for sharing.
I Loved you comment about putting a heart over a mouth to cover up having rubbed it off! Great art is never come about in a linear manner!
Sandra Evertson
That Doll is adorable! I can
see why you don't want to give
it up.
Love the pieces you have created.
Have a Blessed Week!
Lists are my life-savers! As for your art, I love the little doll and the piece with the quote about light....very beautiful.
I love all the wonderful YouTube videos about art. They're just great!
Lisa.. You have been very creative! your journal pages are great!...I, too, LOVE me some Gesso!
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