I think my hesitancy in writing about it is that I don't want the focus to be on romance, so much, although it is the most obvious change. There are equally powerful changes happening but they are harder to document.
I have often thought that Jesus did physical healings like he did because the spiritual healings were so much harder to show to others. The physical gave proof of the spiritual.
In this case, the process of Patrick and I coming together is a concrete way of showing the power of the law of attraction, the power of thoughts, the power of vibration in our life together. This is the same power that we all have but we so often don't realize it.
It is so important to figure out what we want and to know that we can have it.
I'm going to copy and paste my reply to the message board this morning because it is, to date, the most concise version I have been able to offer:
For about 8 years, I lived with someone. For the past 6 years, I
helped take care of his ill mother and his teenage son, who was sent
to us by his mother because of drugs and anger issues.
It was a dismal, horrible life with them. I didn't necessarily need to
feel super-appreciated, but I was actually always being made to feel
that I was doing nothing right. The man I lived with was the most
negative, intentionally unhappy person I have ever known.
Some time ago, I discovered a website by an artist, Violette Clark,
and everything began to change inside my head. Suddenly, I realized
that I loved art and Violette's words gave me the confidence to just
do it and not worry so much about if it was good or not.
I made friends through the message board on her website and, for the
first time in a long time, I didn't feel so isolated. We make art for
each other, call each other and just generally support each other.
It was on this message board that I learned about TUT, Totally Unique
Thoughts, with Mike Dooley. I began to get his messages every day and
they are always amazingly just what I need to hear. I began to write
positive words on things and to pay attention to my thoughts.
This was wonderful for me but it became increasingly difficult for me
to be around this family of people who always expected the worst and
voiced it. I was happier inside yet finding my surroundings
intolerable. I suppose looking back, I can assume that I was vibrating
away from them.
Eventually, I heard about the Secret on this same message board. I
read the book and then bought myself the DVD for my birthday in March.
The man I was living with was across the country at that time while I
was taking care of his mother (his son had moved out..he's 18 now).
Finally, for the first time in years, I could think!
I read Wayne Dyer's book (I can't think of which title right
now..spiritual solutions something and another one)and I realized how
much power I had to change my circumstances and how self-defeating it
was to remain with people who would continue to wear me down with
their negativity.
Let me point out that this man no longer loved me. I begged for
affection and did not receive it. He liked to yell, not specifically
at me, but about everything that annoyed him (like his mother and my
children, etc).
I began to realize that I could have whatever I wanted but that I only
knew for sure what I didn't want. I sat down and meditated one day,
just asking, "ok, what do I want?"
The answer came to me in the form of a voice whispering "Dear One."
Dear One is what my best friend of 11 years had called me. I met him
through the internet and we spoke on the phone for hours at a time
over the years. Recently we had lost touch. I loved him and he loved
me but I was in this relationship. I had decided that we were talking
too much, even as friends, for him to find a "real" relationship so I
had stopped calling him.
He had temporary relationships, moved, changed his number. I had lost
him. He had left a Happy Birthday message on my voicemail, as he
called every year, but when I tried to return his call, he no longer
had that number.
Now through meditation, I realized that what I wanted more than
anything was to be with my dear Patrick and I couldn't find him.
At first I began visualizing our life together---finding him, marrying
him, having a business together. I even named it! ha! I was writing my
name with his last name....high school stuff but with purpose. Then I
read some things in a book about Shamanism that said that it isn't
fair to mess with other people's lives that way.
I realized that Patrick could be married or something. So, I stopped
visualizing all those things and just visualized hearing his voice on
the phone saying, "Lisa, what's going on?" I heard it over and over,
as I went about my business every day.
I was googling him over and over with no success. Finally one morning,
I had just about given up. I was sitting in the living room listening
to Nora Jones and thought "Just try it one more time."
I went to the computer, googled him just as I had before, but this
time a link to a pdf file came up. It was for the Writer's Guild from
a Christmas party three months earlier. It was a newsletter and there
in a big, beautiful picture was my Patrick and directly under it...his
phone number!!
I called it and got a voice mail. Five minutes later, my phone rang, I
answered it and Patrick said, "Lisa, what's going on?"
On July 1st, Patrick moved in to my new apartment with me, on the
street that I visualized walking up and down every day. We pass the
house I once visualized living in. Perhaps we will one day, though I
don't visualize it anymore.
I used to write, Lisa Plummer, SoulCollage Facilitator. I am now a
certified SoulCollage Facilitator and Patrick and I will be married
within a year and my name will be Lisa Plummer.
Life is wonderful. Some of my other visualizations are happening as
well and sometimes the silliest little things happen and I
realize.."Oh yea! I said I wanted that." LOL
But this is the main story.
I'm leaving out tons but so much happened between March and July that
it's hard to fit it all in and I'm getting ready to take my son to school.
Feel free to ask any questions if something doesn't make sense or I
left out too much.
(I'm not even going to reread it to edit is, so please forgive any
blatant errors)
There it is, in a nutshell, my friends.
And a very happy sounding nutshell!! I think this is the most wonderful story and hopefully many people will read it and learn that they too can change their lives. So often when people get into a negative relationship it pulls them so far down that it's difficult to get out....but you were strong and focused and knew what (who) you wanted. I'm so happy for you!!
I am sorry...I posted crazy things!
I just want to say wow, and you did it.
Keep consciously creating Lisa...!
Hey Lisa, you are an amazing woman and I am beyond happy for you. You are living proof that you can have the life you want if you just BELIEVE! I believe that we cross paths with miserable people for a reason; to help you realize the worth of "the real one" when it happens. Lisa, you kissed a frog that turned in to a Prince! True love does not have a happy ending...because it doesn't ever end.
Sending you a giant hug,
Honoring yourself and your TRUE voice is such a powerful thing...You are standing where others wish to stand and you will give them the strength to listen as you did...BRAVO!
And many blessings ahead for you, Patrick and your family!!
oh my wonderful friend, although I knew this story already it still gave me goose bumps to read it. I've heard your voice...before Patrick and after you were with Patrick...and oh what a difference a new life makes. I feel so warm inside that you have found this love and peace in your life. And it's only the beginning...oh the amazing things to come!
You are light!
Wonderfull said! Wonderful and inspiring story!I ran into Violette's site as well!I know exactly what you are speaking about. It helped me in many ways too. Everyone online has and that definately includes you. :) Your passing it on my friend... thank you. Wonderful post!
I got goosebumps reading your story too Lisa! you are such an inspiration. Isn't life so beautiful and synchronistic? I'm glad that i could be a tiny part of your amazing life!
Lots of love,
Violette xoxo
What a wonderful, beautiful and powerful story, Lisa. Thank you for sharing it here.
Oh you two are like nuts in a shell..Someone opened it up, planted you in a perfect light..added a little water and your life has blossomed into this marvelous relevation of everything you both deserve and need from life.
That is each other.. So **Mr and Mrs Plumber* when's the big day??
(who needs papers, your souls have always been married to each other, you just need the *nut* shells (bodies) to catch up!!
Love and peace and ridiculous amounts of happiness to you both..
Peace, Kai xx
LIsa..I am so glad you wrote this for all to see that yes...thoughts become things! It is amazing how you have come so far! I am so proud of you and I know you are happy... I can feel it all the way through space and time! Your story reinforces what we all know...THOUGHTS do become things!
So happy you got away from the negative situation. Sometimes we learn alot from those situations and sometimes they just drag us down. I know you thought you were doing the right thing staying there and tending his sick Mom...So many times we women get into the role of being caretaker for everyone but ourselves. So very happy you have found yourself!
Happy for both you and Patrick!Follow your bliss sweet froggy!
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