Wednesday, May 02, 2007

More SoulCollage

These are my two newer cards. I did the Lightbearer yesterday and the Source card today. I've been wanting to do a Source card for a while. For a description of what the Source card represents, you can go to Seena's website or to Anne Marie's or to Mili's website, which is called SoulCollager's Respite.

I walked the Labyrinth again today. I hadn't planned it but actually turned my car around this morning and went there. I thought I might just go and listen to the birds and soak up the good energy but once I got there, I wanted to walk the labyrinth again. You can hear the traffic from the interstate but it's so muffled and constant that it honestly sounds like the ocean. At one point, the wind blew and it had a salty smell. I closed my eyes and for one moment I was by the sea.

Angela, you asked which poem that painting was inspired by and I keep forgetting to tell you. It's the first verse in Handful of Beach Sand from Mirrors of the Soul.

I hope you're all doing well. I'm great. I bought the best strawberries today and strawberries always make me happy. :) They're pretty, they smell good, they taste amazing and they're good for you. What could be better?

Alrighty. Good night everyone. Love you!

7 comments: said...


Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

My dear, sweet, wonderful sum up my comments for all your recent posts ....YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION - you resonate a peaceful calm that seems to be washing over you lately. It's a joy to witness.
Love you,

Melissa said...

I like the light bearer - a fascinating image....

I love, love, love some in the fridge right now but ate watermelon for breakfast.

Pam Aries said...

Mornin' Lisa! I love reading your is always so calming! It makes me feel peaceful for some reason! Your Soul Collages are great! I love the images!

KaiBlue said...

Lovely labyrinth, lovely soul,
lovely Cards, lovely cold,
lovely hot, lovely dream,
lovely messages, felt,not seen.
Today your peace is dancing bout the Earth.. :)
Peace, Kai

Dot said...

I agree with our friend Ms. Oceandreamer. You are an inspiration to us all! I feel peacefulness wash over me when I visit your blog. And can feel your contentment from here in Australia...

The Lightbearer card is astounding. Very powerful. You are choosing such perfect images. They show who you are so well. Deep, loving, passionate and caring.

I love you.

Dotee xoxo

P.S I adore fresh strawberries too..mmmmmm

MAHIMA said...

your top card is gorgeous!!