Thursday, May 24, 2007


Good morning my friends. I guess I took a little impromptu break. I wasn't creating anything to show you. My mind has been somewhere else. Today, I started my morning with gratitude and my day just gets continually better. I have two new strands of Gratitude Beads to show you.

Some folks have asked about trademarks and asked if they could use this idea. There is no copyright, other than what may be implied by being on this blog. Please feel free to do whatever you wish with this idea. The idea is to spread this awesome idea of gratitude. If you want to make them and sell them, please do. I intend to put some kits together, too, for someone who would like to make their own but don't have beads or cord. I think that would make a nice gift.

There is plenty of room for all of us. Creativity is free and flowing. There is no limit to creativity. We need to share with each other. Creativity feeds creativity. That is the amazing thing! Your creativity feeds my creativity. My creativity feeds your creativity. We need to share and build and we will be overflowing with ideas together.

I hope everyone is having a good day. I had a nice walk early this morning while it was still cool outside. It felt good to get an early start.

Maybe I'll get around to reading your blogs today. I have really neglected my blog time but my focus was somewhere else and that's where it needed to be for a while.

I love you gals! xoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxo Big hugs and kisses to each and every one of you. I hope you know how much I appreciate your kind comments. You are so supportive and encouraging.

Oh and I wanted to clarify that the music you hear now is not me. lol I wish! I got rid of my screenshow because it and the videos were starting at the same time and conflicting. I like to use my blog like a radio. :) I wanted to share my favorite music with you.

Take care everyone.


Tinker said...

Your gratitude beads are beautiful, Lisa - and you are such a sweet, generous soul! Glad you've had some time for yourself - and thanks for letting me know about the ATC - I'm glad you found it. Have a happy Memorial Day weekend~ XOXO

xxxxx said...

This is a beautiful post! With gratitude for your spirit and energy.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
I love the colors in these beads, and the fabric behind them; which provides perfect inspiration for color combinations. I've been sewing since I was 12, and majored in it in school...seeing your fabrics and beads is calling to me to create my first strand(s) of Gratitiude Beads and perhaps a coordinating-fabric-pouch for portability. I'll be sure to let you know what I come up with. Again..thanks for the inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,
I love the colors in these beads, and the fabric behind them; which provides perfect inspiration for color combinations. I've been sewing since I was 12, and majored in it in school...seeing your fabrics and beads is calling to me to create my first strand(s) of Gratitiude Beads and perhaps a coordinating-fabric-pouch for portability. I'll be sure to let you know what I come up with. Again..thanks for the inspiration!


KaiBlue said...

I like the flow these sets of beads have, the eye is drawn to them and It made me smile to look at them.. I love that you inspire my art into different directions :)
PEace Kai xx

Dot said...

I think these are your most beautiful gratitude beads yet Lisa! Gorgeous colors.

And I agree with you about creativity. There is plenty of room for all of us. I know I love it if my art inspires anyone in any way at all.

The energy flows between us and around us...