Friday, April 06, 2007


Originally uploaded by GroggyFroggy.
Yesterday was an amazing day. You know I have spoken of SoulCollage® a lot. I wanted to take the facilitator's workshop and it was offered only on the West Coast. I did find out that one can do workshops even without the facilitator's certificate, but I still really wanted it and just determined that I would go to California if that's what it would take.

I have been signing my name on a vision card with a , SoulCollage® artist, which you are only allowed to do if you have had the facilitator's training.

Yesterday, my friend and Glitter Sister, Kate sent me a link to this. This is a website with which I am very familiar. I get daily wisdom essays from Anne Marie. So when I first got the email from Kate, I assumed that she meant a workshop that was being facilitated by Anne Marie so I wrote back to her thanking her just the same. Then I felt the need to click on the link anyway and OHMYGOSH, Seena Frost, the creator of SoulCollage is coming to Maryland to do the very first facilitator training workshop ever on the East Coast!!!! I have written the check and my registration will go out in a few hours.

Is that not incredible? Except, it IS credible!!!! I am amazed and filled with awe and wonder. God is mighty. The Author of the Universe truly will give us the desires of our hearts if we make them known and trust! Find joy in your life and concentrate on it. Feel the gratitude. Give your love to others and watch the magic happen.

These two cards were made this morning. I so enjoy my quiet time before I start taking care of Lois. I slept well last night and feel refreshed today.

The first card, I call the Mom Card. :)
The second card....I'm not telling what I call it.

Have yourselves a wonderful day. Send your love to someone, anyone....everyone. I send my love to you.


Izabella Blue said...

oh my! these are powerful!!

hope you have a blessed easter weekend, my friend :)

xo ~Bella

Tinker said...

Beautiful SoulCollage cards, Lisa - I'm so happy for you! How sweet that was of Kate. GPS are the greatest.

Janet said...

Fantastic SoulCollage cards! And wonderful news about the classes!!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful works! Meaningful I am speachless! I love them!

KaiBlue said...

soul indeed!!! Peace n bright blessings, Kai.

Dot said...

Wonderful news about the classes Lisa! I am so pleased for you.