Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Some cards, some sharing

Finally got some art on here. I'm not as aesthetically pleased with my latest soulcollage cards. It was good to do them, though. My scanner is adding things also, like lines and squiggles that aren't there.

The third card is my ego card. The part of me that tempts me to get my feelings hurt and pout.
The second card is one I've been thinking about for some time. I have never paid any attention to animal totems but we are supposed to have animal companion cards. I finally noticed one day that I was seeing a lot of groundhogs around. I see one in the same spot on my walks. When I was a child, I tried to pet one and it buzzed around my leg (like Taz on was soooo cool). It tickled and I laughed and went happily to tell my Mom all about it. You can imagine that her reaction was not the same as mine! Off we went to get a tetanus shot. He didn't hurt me at all.

I looked over the groundhog attributes and I suppose it can be a pretty fitting companion for me. The tendency to hibernate, to go underground when things are too chaotic for me. That's why I depicted them on a bed. I'm not one to go pull the blanket over me, but I am one to squirrel (well, groundhog) away in my room and do art on the bed, or watch tv or meditate. My bed is my little haven at the moment. It's a place I can go and turn on music and not hear Lois' tv with its depressing news blaring all the time.

I've also paired this up with my 5th chakra, which is the throat area. This is the chakra that controls our ability to communicate and express. I know that rather than express my feelings verbally, I hide away hoping the situation will change before I have to. I have used some barbie-looking dolls here (they can't talk) and a partial view of a woman with her fingers over her mouth. Learning to express myself clearly without fear of what the other person may think is something I really need to work on. I am learning, as I find inner peace and the sense of connectedness to the creator, the sense that I have a direct connection and don't need to run around getting opinions and advice before deciding how I feel about something, it is easier to speak. The funny thing is, I am probably also less likely to speak to some things because I no longer feel the need to throw my opinion in the ring.

Never doubt that God has a sense of humor. :)

The first card is pretty self-explanatory I guess. I'm feeling a bit caged, yet through meditation and soulcollage and my wonderful blog friends I am finding my wings and spiritual freedom. It's an amazing paradox. These wings make me want to fly yet I'm happier just having them, even if I must remain chained at the moment.

I received all my info for the SoulCollage facilitator's training in Maryland. I am paid up and looking forward to it so much. Thanks again Kate for bringing it to my attention. I know that it is something I am just meant to do. I get excited and a little nervous all at the same time. I get butterflies thinking of participating in the group activities or leading a workshop yet feel exhilarated thinking of the same things. It feels good to be excited about something!!

Have a great night everyone. I'm glad you enjoyed the youtube video. I was so happy to find it and I just had to share it.


Anonymous said...

sweet Lisa...these are wonderful pieces! very powerful~ especially the girl in the cage with the wings~

also...I adore the pics of your past years!! how cute are you!! :)

xo ~Bella

Anonymous said...

Wonderful cards! I can see the lines that your scanner is making but it's really not that bad. I think it's kinda kewl to tell ya the truth! :)

Vintage Wine said...

Hi Lisa,

I just wanted to make a quick stop & say hi :-) I hope everythings fine with you!

I'm going to take some time to post something on my blog tomorrow & catcu up on yours ;-)


Dot said...

As soon as I saw the first of your soul collage cards I was struck by it's message. Very powerful Lisa. Yes, you have been set free. The image of you being chained and set free is perfect.
Love the others ones too.

And I think it's beautiful that your animal totem is a groundhog.
Seems to fit you very well.

How exciting that you have receieved the soul collage facilitator information. You are really on your way.

Sorry I can't view the YouTube video in the post below. My laptop at home has died and I can't view videos from work :(

Sending lots of love to you.

Dotee xoxo

Melissa said...

Woodchucks. That is my favorite card it reached me in a powerful way and I caught the symbolism before I read your comment on it.

I think woodchucks are absolutely adorable and am always thrilled when I see one - last year I got pretty close to one his burrow and got some good shots and a few ticks (it was early spring with those suckers are all over in the grass (ticks that is not woodchucks)).

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

These soul cards are amazing in the way you have capture the essence of their message about you. I couldn't be more happy that you are all set for the facilitator training.
You seem to be more and more enlightened with each day...finding out more about yourself...finding a connectedness and a center. I am in awe watching this all take place and hope by osmosis perhaps I find some of that.
That video was very moving btw.
Also, I just adored the photos of you, beautiful Lisa!
Love and hugs,

homespun living said...

Hi Lisa, beautiful & creative cards.
I enjoyed seeing the pictures you posted!
Take care,

AK said...

The woodchuck is my 2nd chakra animal. Go marmots!

Tinker said...

I love seeing your SoulCollage cards, Lisa. Especially like the animal companion. I've always thought groundhogs were so cute. And since they're good at predicting weather, they must be pretty smart too, so that makes them particularly appropriate for you, I think.
I'm so excited for you, that you're going on the facilitator training. I can't wait to hear all about it (you ARE going to tell us all about it, aren't you? lol). XO

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

You are so very expressive through your art, you're speaking volumes! Loudly, proudly!! I am sure you will have an amazing time at the facilitator training... yep, you were meant to go and will be changed forever for the experiences!

J C said...

Wowie Mz. Lisa. Your soul collages are very telling. I know you will enjoy your workshop and I can see you leading a class in this. You seem to have just the insight it takes. Groundhogs are good. Sometimes I'm one too, but sometimes aren't we all? We all need our space occasionally and burrow to find it.

gma said...

How exciting for you to go to Soul Card facilitor training. What a inspire me to try this.

PennyBlue said...

Love the top piece bunches! And yes, I'd like to speak to God about that sense of humor of His!! lol Happy friday!

KaiBlue said...

Never doubt that god has a sence of humour!! never a truer quote was written!!
I adore the cards Lisa, they are so serene.
PEace, Kai

Sue Seibert said...

Lisa, I really enjoyed your pieces...especially the groundhog one with the story. Sounds like we had the same mother...worry all the time. Think I got it from her,'cause I do, too, at times.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Creative Life Studio said...

Oh, I just LOVE your first card! I'm sorry you feel caged, but it's beautiful...

I think it's cool that the groundhog is your totem animal. How very personal - as it should be. I think people would be tempted to pick something powerful like an eagle or something and a groundhog just doesn't usually come to mind. It's an interesting exercise to think on. I think I'll give it some thought too. :)

Mrs.Kwitty said...

I am so impressed by the thoughtfulness of your art--It touches on some of the things that are issues in my life too. It does help to see in others what you despair of a bit in your own. Keep up the good work!!
Smiles, Karen