Wednesday, April 25, 2007



Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing that froggy!!!! I have been told by many to get into meditation. I keep putting it off though. Your making me rethink it. All that I need now is to heal the inside of me. Painting is helping but I'm sure that meditation will help even more.THANK YOU for reminding me of that!

Giggles said...

Excellent, amazing, reaffirmation of everything " The Secret" Teaches and more, amalgamated powerfully! Thank you thank you!!!

Hugs Sherrie

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Lisa! I so needed to see that today. Thank you so very, very much for taking the time to share that with us. I feel incrediby grateful!
Hope you're having a wonderful day!! XOXO

KaiBlue said...

Gentle is your soul, it's such a lovely thing to share. Thankyou!
Peace n hugs xxooxx Kai