Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Last week was my birthday and I have been the happy recipient of sweet wishes and thoughtful gifts. Gemma sent this lovely beaded necklace that she made. I put it on, I kid you not, before I even got into the house with it and I have not removed it since. Michael is home sick from school today, so I asked him to take a pic. Isn't it an awesome necklace? I love it so much and feel honored wearing it. She also sent a card, but the last I remember seeing it was on my artdesk and, well, God only knows when I will see it again!

I received cards from Kate and Violette, as well. Cards that are gorgeous works of art that I treasure and will frame, along with Gemmas when I find it. Hers was hysterical and made me laugh and laugh. Her personal notes were just as funny as the card itself.

I ordered a piece of art from Violette, only to receive an email saying that she had just put that particular piece in an envelope to send to me for my birthday and so I was to choose another for purchase! Isn't that fantastic?!?!?!?!?! She is amazing and I feel so blessed, so fortunate, so happy to have met her along this art-filled, soul-engaged journey. She teaches so much about art and soul and joy and authenticism. (is that a word?)

So, to you amazing Glitter sisters of mine, I say........I love you. Thank you.


Kitty Couture said...

Lisa, you sly thing. I'm so sorry I missed your birthday. Happy belated birthday, mu friend! Triple hugs to make up for lost time (((Lisa)))

Kitty Couture said...

... the necklace and postcards are awesome! :)

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Belated wishes on your birthday! The necklace is so pretty, I wouldn't take that one off either!

Creative Life Studio said...

Just met you via Violette's message board. I hope you had a happy birthday and wanted to thank you for the warm welcome! :) Please feel free to stop by and visit my blog sometime:


Anonymous said...

Lisa Happy Birthday again. Great gifts from great glitter sisters.

homespun living said...

Happy Birthday wishes to a very sweet person. I'm sorry I missed it.

gma said...

So glad you like your necklace!
You certainly deserve lotsa love!

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

And you are loved a LOT right back dear Lisa. What wonderful treasures and that necklace is definitely something VERY special indeed. I will make no excuses for myself not sending a card or a gift - I am bad and a procrastinator and I admit it completely. I figure if something gets there before the next birthday I'm doing pretty good. LOL!
I do send you hugs though!

Reviekat said...

Happy belated birthday! It sounds like you had a wonderful day. :)

Dot said...

I am so sorry to have missed your birthday Lisa! Hope you had a lovely day.

The necklace Gemma gave you is GORGEOUS!!

What a lovely surprise from Violette - isn't that great when things happen?

mrsnesbitt said...

Oh missed your birthday???

can you send me your e-mail???
