Sunday, September 10, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThis is not the prettiest collage ever. lol but it serves a purpose. I am participating with a group of other bloggers in reading True Balance by Sonia Choquette. The book is a common sense guide to balancing your chakras. I am not going to even attempt to explain what little I know about chakras. It's basically a book about getting balance in your life, which is probably something we could all stand a little more of. The group has already started the reading. I am still waiting for my book. I got a late start. To learn more about this, you can check out Be Alive Believe Be You

In addition to reading the book, I decided this week to participate in the Mixed Media Memoirs project which involves creating something that answers the question or thought they choose. This week's thought is "I become off balance when..."

This brings me to my collage. It took me a while. Part of my off balance-ness shows itself in my mind feeling cluttered. I can't seem to grab a thought. Collaging and sketching really does seem to help me process through this more than any other craft or arty thing I've tried. I still enjoy some sewing and crocheting, etc, but collaging has been an incredible outlet-a desperately needed one-and I am grateful to have stumbled on to it. One great thing about collages is that you can pour yourself into creating the images and not so much in vocalizing the problem. In this case, I will explain it because it's sort of the point. This collage is of me...trying to balance all sorts of "boxes." The boxes are labelled with words like "kids, dishes, house, God, Tim, etc, etc" I'm trying to carry all the boxes on one shoulder and there is a world on the other. Meanwhile, my family is standing all around watching me with vacancy signs over their empty shoulders. (they all have a little something on their own shoulders...we all have our own stuf). I become off balance when I think that I am responsible for shouldering all of the responsibilities...or even trying to shoulder my responsibilities equally well or all at the same time. There is no need to do it alone. There are loving family members standing around waiting to help.

The map represents the first thing that came to mind when I thought of being off balance. Other than a short one day visit to my mother's house 3 hours away (once last year, once this year) I have not been anywhere in four years. I have not been out of Roanoke since we moved into this house and started caring for Tim's mother. I am craving a trip..water, new scenery...time away from his mother, time away from always being on guard. Yes, I feel very off balance right now.


Jamie said...

Hi! I'm so glad that you decided to participate in MMM this week. And I look forward on going on this chakra journey with you too!

Your comment about getting off balance when you shoulder other people's stuff as well as your own is so insightful. And how fascinating that a map was the first image to come to you.

I'm wishing for you a break, a vacation, some time by the water to rejuvenate and nurture your roots :)

Lisa said...

Melba, thanks for putting together such an awesome thing! I'm really glad to be a part of it.

Jamie, thank you. I'm looking forward to it, too and have enjoyed looking at your art. I appreciate your wishes!

Miss Robyn said...

Lisa - I would love to join up with the chakra thing! is it too late?
I will check the website out for sure.
now to the chakra thing - I know a little about them and have a few websites that are helpful. email me if you are interested.
as to shouldering all those boxes - yep -it is called being a woman :) glad you are in my company - we can support each other on this road xo

Lisa said...

Robyn, I don't think it's too late at all. They are giving plenty of time, 2 weeks, per chapter so it would be easy to catch up. I'm counting on that.

I really love that idea of supporting each other. In fact, I'm learning to count on it.

KaiBlue said...

I dont think it's about the quantity of the art you produce, it's the quality and that you put your heart and soul into it, I like that you take time to describe your journey taken thru your rock!!
Peace, Kai.

altermyworld said...

Unbalanceness isn't pretty, we all strive for some sort of balance in our life.
I know you will find yours.
Art doesn't have to be pretty or perfect. I feel as long as it evokes a memory, a feeling, something within us it is our art.
Part of the process is putting it out there in the world.
If sewing is your thing i would encourage you to use fabric and sewing in your collages.
There are no rules saying collages have to be paper.

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Lisa, art comes from within, no matter the content, the method, the final starts from our core...that makes it all beautiful. Your art reflects you - the YOU who is a wonderful human being....

Lisa said...

Thanks. You guys are so cool. :)

Lisa said...

Thanks so much for letting me know they arrived! I'm really happy you like them.

Hulda said...

I really like your new lay-out!

Lisa said...

Thanks! I thought it was time to spiff it up a bit.

Anonymous said...

I love your new look. I hate little green frogs but he is so cute in the rose.

Hulda said...

Can you explain how I could look at the flicr groups vintage pictures? I couldn't find something. By the way, how should I prononce the word 'vintage'? :)

Lisa said...

Ninnie, thanks. lol I love the darsbydesign photos because of the contrast. When this pic was my profile pic, noone knew there was a frog in it. :)

Hulda, I've sent you an email with the links. :)

J C said...

OMG that little green frog is so cute. We will have to gang up on Ninnie for not liking them. They are so slippery and cool! ;) Hope you enjoy your new experience with the chakra and book reading. I have been going to Melba's site for quite awhile and I can tell you she has come a LONG way in finding herself. She's a good person. Now, about Ninnie and that frog............

gma said...

Hi Groggy your words and art.

Lisa said...

Judie, hehe at least she thinks it's cute in the flower. I'm definitely looking forward to finding some balance. Right now my solution is to run away from home so hopefully the book will offer some other options. lol

Gemma,thank you. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Froggyhead,
I'm one of your Balance bloggettes. How I liked this collage! I get overwhelmed, too; and then I just shut down like a zombie. You seem to have a much busier life than I do. I also very much relate to your thirst for travel. Sometimes for me it's not so much the being AWAY, but the coming back home with a new and refreshed and vibrant sense of who I am. I look forward to reading more of your posts about True Balance.

Lisa said...

Hi Potato Print! As soon as I saw your profile pic, I remembered reading your blog. I really like it alot. I agree about vacations. It's good to get away and experience new things but it's the new perspective we bring back..the fresh look at our old life even..that makes it worth going.

It's so funny...I don't feel like I have a busy life. My family has a busy life and somehow manage to require my services for it. lol Sometimes I feel like one of those commercials where I'm walking very slowly while they're coming and going all around me in fast forward.

I'm really looking forward to getting to know you better through the Balance thang.